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This is not Porn Sites. You do not have to be 18 years old or above. This Site content about Indonesian and World Teen Living, Teen Story and Lifestyle, Their Pairly Secrets and also Sex Education. For All Indonesian Teen that we Care

November 30, 2009

Indonesian Teen The Victims of Pornographic Videos

The scene porn XXX video a pair of two Indonesian teen lover who was famous with the title of Bandung Lautan Asmara, could make the sensational public at the beginning of previous 2000. However at this time revealed the similar videos no longer the strange matter for the communities. The brightness of the pornographic video with Indonesian ‘original artist’ that circulated deliberately and not deliberate arrived at the public, no longer made the commotion of the Indonesian community.

According to the Indonesian Communications and Information Minister Tifatul Sembiring, at this time had 500 pornographic videos ‘made by’ Indonesian that circulated in the community. From 500 kinds of these pornographic video with Indonesians's actor, 70 percent were doing by the adolescent of the JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL and SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL or by the student instead.

How did we take care of our children not to be involved and carry out this?

When being thought about and pay close attention to it now, the Indonesian adolescent was increasingly brave did this immorality action and even against the regulations. And unfortunately, the community's response was not bigger towards against the adolescent pornographic video XXX circulation.

The reason of the daughter's adolescent want to do the pornographic video XXX with his sweetheart was because she loved and frightened she was left. In fact the risk of the daughter's adolescent who became the artist of the porno graphic XXX video would have the psychological disturbance experience when being faced with the community.

What must be done by the parents to take care of their daughter from bad influences and want to become pornographic video casualties?

1. The understanding and the deepening of religious knowledge, because of all the religions in generally banned to do adultery and pornographic.
2. Gave true sex education early and did not violate the standards of the religion and the state regulations.
3. Kept away the daughter from the influence of the bad environment.
4. Supervised where the daughter's adolescent liked to gather and sit idle with his friends.
5. Supervised the use of the internet and gave the understanding of the use of the internet since early.

November 23, 2009

Indonesian Teen Abortion

The abortion was carried out by the adolescent in Indonesia tended to improve, especially being carried out by the adolescent in urban areas. The main reason of the adolescents took the abortion was be pregnant that was not desired and apart from the marriage. From results of the research, the adolescent of the age woman was supervised 20 years often carried out this abortion action. Was based on the national data, the most abortion was carried out by the woman in the age 15 - 24 years, both that was carried out in a legal manner for reasons of the health and that was carried out illegally for reasons of did not yet marry.

The abortion is an action of issuing the embryo forcibly from the content, so as for the adolescents could cause psychological the post trauma of this abortion. Everything was overturned by this illegal abortion action, by the other get the problem that related to be feel guilty and the feeling reduction of the self-confidence that will be dealt with by the adolescent.

For the parents who had the sweetheart of the daughter's adolescent especially would more careful towards the association of the adolescent at this time. The intimate sexual relations that be done unless marrital status to be the cause of the occurrence of pregnancy that was not desired and the adolescent will take the abortion ways. Apart from the psychological impact, the risk of the death also be faced the perpetrators of the abortion apart from the risk was affected by the disturbance to the organs that were connected with the embryos.

Why did the Indonesian adolescent to be susceptible to the behaviour of early sex that necessarily just might be carried out after marrying? Possibly several were among them caused by the influence of the environment beside the shortage of the sex education personally that was connected directly with the standards of morality and the religion. How the adolescent understood that the behaviour of having early sex that was carried out could be risky, and her future would be broken.

June 29, 2009

Aborsi Remaja Indonesia

Aborsi yang dilakukan kalangan remaja di Indonesia cenderung bertambah, terutama dilakukan oleh remaja di perkotaan. Alasan utama para remaja mengambil jalan aborsi adalah kehamilan yang tidak dikehendaki dan diluar pernikahan. Dari hasil penelitian, remaja perempuan usia dibawah 20 tahun paling banyak melakukan tindakan aborsi ini. Berdasarkan data nasional, aborsi terbanyak dilakukan oleh perempuan pada usia 15 - 24 tahun, baik yang dilakukan secara legal karena alasan kesehatan maupun yang dilakukan secara ilegal karena alasan belum menikah.

Aborsi merupakan suatu tindakan mengeluarkan janin secara paksa dari kandungan, sehingga bagi para remaja dapat menimbulkan psikis trauma pasca aborsi tersebut. Apalagi dibalik tindakan aborsi ilegal ini, terdapat permasalahan lain menyangkut rasa bersalah dan berkurangnya rasa percaya diri yang akan dihadapi oleh remaja putri.

Bagi para orang tua yang mempunyai buah hati remaja putri khususnya hendaklah lebih berhati-hati terhadap pergaulan remaja saat ini. Hubungan sex diluar nikah menjadi penyebab terjadinya kehamilan yang tidak dikehendaki dan pada waktunya remaja putri akan mengambil jalan aborsi. Selain dampak psikologis, resiko kematian juga menghadang para pelaku aborsi selain resiko terkena gangguan pada organ-organ yang berhubungan dengan kandungan.

Mengapa remaja putri Indonesia begitu rentan terhadap perilaku sex dini yang seharusnya baru boleh dilakukan setelah menikah? Mungkin beberapa diantaranya disebabkan oleh pengaruh lingkungan disamping kurangnya pendidikan sex itu sendiri yang dikaitkan langsung dengan norma-norma kesusilaan dan agama. Sejauh mana remaja memahami bahwa perilaku sex yang dilakukan diluar suatu ikatan dapat berakibat fatal, terenggutnya masa depan.